Texas Department of Public Safety
Winter weather can be unpredictable, and it’s important to be prepared and stay vigilant. As Texas deals with this latest round of winter weather, please continue to monitor local weather forecasts and keep your eye on road conditions.
Additionally, DPS offers the following road safety tips for drivers:
Avoid traveling when sleet, freezing rain or snow is predicted.
Monitor road conditions by visiting DriveTexas.org or calling (800) 452-9292.
If you must drive in inclement weather, allow extra time to reach your destination.
On icy roads, drive slowly and increase the distance between your vehicle and others, as you may need additional room to stop.
Do not use cruise control.
Be aware that ice accumulates on bridges and overpasses before drivers may see it on roads, so approach them more slowly in winter weather.
Watch for downed trees and power lines. If a stop light is out, treat the intersection as a four-way stop.
Find more winter weather safety tips at https://bit.ly/3PHyW8d.