• Hospitality House Northwest NC

      UPDATE: We will be operating under Extreme Weather Protocol through Friday January 17th to shelter anyone who shows up at our Brook Hollow Complex for Night-by-Night shelter, daytime warming and all meals.

      For individuals who are trespassed and sleeping outdoors, we have free bus vouchers available on the Sunway Charter route to get you to a safe, warm location.

      Food Needs: If you can get to our Brook Hollow Complex, the Food Pantry is OPEN 12pm – 4 pm every day.

      Questions? Emergency Housing Needs? Family Housing Needs? Displaced by Hurricane Helene? Call (828) 264-1237 (24 hours a day!)

      Please don’t risk your life, we are here to HELP. We are HERE for YOU!

      #hosphousenwnc #morethanshelter #winterweather #shelter #winterstorm