Florida | Contact Information

🌀🌊 Contact Information & Resources ℹ️

📍#Florida Emergency Mgmt 🔗


Phone: 850-815-4000

800-226-4329 (TDD/TTY)

State Watch Office: 850-815-4001

Florida State Assistance Information Line (SAIL): 800-342-3557 (*Must be activated)

FB: https://m.facebook.com/FLSERT

Twitter: www.twitter.com/FLSERT

📍 (Florida Public Radio) Florida Storms 🔗floridastorms.org

FB: https://m.facebook.com/FloridaStorms

Twitter: www.twitter.com/FloridaStorms

📲 Florida Storms App: www.floridastorms.org/app

📍 NOAA NWS National Hurricane Center 🔗


FB: https://m.facebook.com/NWSNHC

Twitter: www.twitter.com/NHC_Atlantic

▪︎ NOAA NWS Storm Prediction Center 🔗


▪︎ U.S. National Weather Service (NWS) 🔗www.alerts.weather.gov

FB: https://www.facebook.com/NWS

Twitter: www.twitter.com/NWS

▪︎ NWS Tampa Bay, Florida 🔗https://www.weather.gov/tbw/…

FB: https://www.facebook.com/NWSTampaBay

Twitter: twitter.com/NWSTampaBay

▪︎ NWS Jacksonville, Florida 🔗https://www.weather.gov/jax/…

FB: https://m.facebook.com/NWSJacksonville

Twitter: twitter.com/NWSJacksonville

▪︎ NWS Key West, Florida 🔗https://www.weather.gov/key/…

FB: https://www.facebook.com/NWSKeyWest

Twitter: Twitter.com/NWSKeyWest

⚠️ Watches, Warnings or Advisories for

Florida (shows alerts currently in effect for Florida; updated every two-three minutes.) 🔗alerts.weather.gov/cap/fl.php?x=1

🌊 Coastal Emergency Risks Assessment — Storm Surge ▪︎ Wave ▪︎ Compound Flood Guidance 🔗https://cera.coastalrisk.live

🌊 Storm Surge Inundation Map 🔗http://www.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html…

🌊 Coastal Inundation Dashboard 🔗tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/inundationdb

🌊 Storm Surge Unit | NHC 🔗twitter.com/NHC_Surge

🌊 National Data Buoy Center | NOAA 🔗www.ndbc.noaa.gov

🌀 ESRI — hurricane/cyclone data, live feeds, technology, and resources 🔗http://www.esri.com/…/disaster…/disasters/hurricanes

🌊 USGS Water Watch — Most recent flow and stage for Florida (Stations highlighted in red are currently above flood stage)🔗https://waterwatch.usgs.gov/?m=flood&r=fl&w=flood%2Ctable

🏞 Suwannee River Water Mgmt District: Current River and Lake Levels with Forecasts (if available) 🔗


Stations update every 1-2 hours, while the webpage updates at 35 minutes past the hour.

The District offers a 24-hour voice recording of current river levels. To reach the recording, call:

(386) 362-6626

(800) 604-2272 (FL only)

🌀 Weather Underground | Hurricane and Tropical Cyclones 🔗www.wunderground.com/hurricane

🌊 Storm Surge Simulator (input yours & the hurricane’s details) 🔗frances-a.cs.fiu.edu/gic

🏞 Southeast River Forecast Center 🔗https://www.weather.gov/serfc

Twitter: twitter.com/NWSSERFC

🌪 NWS Tornado 🔗twitter.com/NWStornado

🗺 NAPSG Interactive Map | Flooding, Storm Surge, Fire Watches & Warnings 🔗http://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html…

📍 Florida County EM Managers PDF 🔗


🗺 FL County EM Contact Map by Region 🔗www.floridadisaster.org/globalassets/maps/em_managers.pdf

🚨 Evacuation Orders 🔗www.floridadisaster.org/evacuation-orders

📝 Disaster Supply Check List: https://www.floridadisaster.org/…/hurricane-supply…/…

📍 Political Subdivision Emergency Ordinances, Declarations and Orders 🔗http://www.floridadisaster.org/…/emergency-ordinances…

📍 Evacuation Zone Lookup 🔗http://floridadisaster.maps.arcgis.com/…/index.html…

📍 Shelter Status 🔗www.floridadisaster.org/shelter-status

🚨 Alert Florida – sign up for alerts! 🔗apps.floridadisaster.org/alertflorida

♿️ Florida Special Needs Registry 🔗snr.flhealthresponse.com

🏫 To get a list of shelters near you, you can text SHELTER & your zip code to 43362.

You can also locate a shelter online: http://redcross.org/…/disaste…/find-an-open-shelter.html

📍 Governor Ron DeSantis 🔗www.flgov.com

FB: https://m.facebook.com/GovRonDeSantis

Twitter: twitter.com/GovRonDeSantis

📍 FEMA Region IV 🔗www.fema.gov/region-iv-al-fl-ga-ky-ms-nc-sc-tn

FB: https://m.facebook.com/FEMA

Twitter: twitter.com/femaregion4

📲 FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency Mobile App 🔗www.fema.gov/mobile-app

▪︎ Google Play: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details…

▪︎ Apple: apps.apple.com/us/app/fema/id474807486

📲 “The Red Cross Emergency! App 🔗http://www.redcross.org/…/how-to…/mobile-apps.html features an “I’m Safe” button that allows users to post a message to their social accounts, letting friends and family know they are out of harm’s way.”

▪︎ Text: “GETEMERGENCY” to 90999 or download the app 👇🏼

📲 Google Play: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details…

📲 Apple: http://apps.apple.com/…/emergency-by…/id954783878

⚡️ Florida Power Outage Dashboard 🔗http://www.arcgis.com/…/4833aec638214268b09683ce78ed2edf

🚱 Florida Department of Health (DOH) (Boil Water Notices) 🔗http://www.floridahealth.gov/…/boil-water…/index.html

FB: https://m.facebook.com/FLDepartmentofHealth

Twitter: twitter.com/HealthyFla

📍 Florida Department of Transportation 🔗www.fdot.gov

FB: https://m.facebook.com/MyFDOT

Twitter: twitter.com/MyFDOT

☎️ FDOT Phone: 850-414-4100

📱 Dial *FHP (*347) to call for a Road Ranger from MyFDOT (free).

🗺 Florida Evacuation Routes 🔗http://www.floridadisaster.org/…/disaster-preparedness…

🗺 Emergency Shoulder Use 🔗www.fdot.gov/emergencymanagement/esu/default.shtm

🚧 FDOT – Traffic & Road Closure Information 🔗www.fhwa.dot.gov/trafficinfo/fl.htm <-OR-> fl511.com/List/Alerts

🛣 FL511 🔗fl511.com

Outside of FL: ​866-511-3352

FB: https://m.facebook.com/fl511

Twitter: twitter.com/fl511_state

📲 Florida 511 App (Google Play and Apple Online Stores): fl511.com/App

✈️ Check Airport Status 🔗nasstatus.faa.gov/list

⛽️ Gas Buddy 🔗www.gasbuddy.com/gasprices/florida

📲 Gas Buddy App 🔗www.gasbuddy.com/app

🗺 Waze (GPS navigation app) 🔗www.waze.com/live-map

📲 WAZE App (Google Play Store): play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.waze&hl=en

📲 WAZE App (Apple Online Store): http://itunes.apple.com/…/waze-social…/id323229106…

👮🏻 FL Sheriff’s Directory 🔗www.flsheriffs.org/sheriffs/directory

📍 Florida Department of Education 🔗www.fldoe.org/em-response/storm-info.stml

Continue to visit their website for updates; follow on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram for up-to-the-minute storm updates:

▪︎ K12 School Closures

▪︎ Florida College System Closures

▪︎ State University Closures

◇ FB: https://m.facebook.com/EducationFL

◇ Insta: instagram.com/educationfl

◇ Twitter: twitter.com/educationfl

📍 Florida Department of Children and Families 🔗www.myflfamilies.com

FB: https://m.facebook.com/MyFLFamilies

📍 Florida State Animal Response Team (FL-SART) 🔗flsart.org

Phone: 850-410-0920

Email: Le************@FD***.gov

FB: https://www.facebook.com/flsarc

▪︎ FL SART County Lookup 🔗flsart.org/SART/choosecountyforview

“SART is a multiagency coordination group consisting of governmental and private entities dedicated to strengthening all-hazard disaster capabilities through partnerships. Florida SART will support an effective and coordinated incident response for the animal and agricultural sectors in the state of Florida.”

⭐️ Florida Animals & Agriculture Disaster Preparedness & Response Information Guide: https://floridadisaster.org/…/animals-and-agriculture…

⭐️ Please take a minute to look through the resources on the FL SART site.

📍 County Animal Services Lookup 🔗http://floridaanimalcontrol.org/full-member-directory/…

📍 Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services 🔗www.fdacs.gov/About-Us

Phone: 800-435-7352 or 850-617-7700

FB: https://m.facebook.com/FDACS

Twitter: twitter.com/fdacsdpi

▪︎ Animal Movement Requirements: www.fdacs.gov/Consumer-Resources/Animals/Animal-Movement

▪︎ Dog/Cat Movement Requirements: http://www.fdacs.gov/…/Dog-and-Cat-Movement-Requirements

▪︎ Hay Listings: http://www.fdacs.gov/…/Buy-Fresh-From…/Hay-Suppliers

📍 University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences 🔗sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/agriculture

Phone: 352-392-1761

Email: sf**@if**.edu

FB: https://m.facebook.com/UFIFASNews

Twitter: twitter.com/UF_IFAS

▪︎ Co-op Ext | Districts, Directors & County Offices 🔗sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/find-your-local-office

📍 Florida Veterinary Medical Association 🔗fvma.org

Phone: 407-851-3862 or 800-992-3862

Email: in**@fv**.org

FB: https://m.facebook.com/TheFVMA

Twitter: twitter.com/FloridaVMA

📍 MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife 🔗http://myfwc.com/…/you-conserve/wildlife/injured-orphaned

FB: https://m.facebook.com/MyFWC

Twitter: twitter.com/MyFWC

☆ Florida Wildlife Rehabilitator List 🔗https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:1945d5da-1d0c-3be2-bd88-f2a3ddb16c84

☆ If you find a dead, sick, or injured sea turtle, please call FWC’s 24-hour Wildlife Alert Number at 1-888-404-3922.

🐢 “If you find a washback baby on the beach, do not return it to the surf. It will not be able to swim back to the Gulf Stream. On Amelia Island, call Amelia Island Sea Turtle Watch, 904-583-1013, to have the turtle picked up. Make sure you can identify the closest beach access before you call. Elsewhere, call local law enforcement for directions. While you’re waiting, please protect it from predators.” -Katherine Dudley Hoehn, Kat Writes and Snaps” 🔗http://www.katwritesandsnaps.com/…/hurricane…

📍 Florida Cattlemen’s Association 🔗www.floridacattlemen.org

Phone: 407-846-6221

Email: in**@fl**************.org

FB: https://m.facebook.com/FLcattlemen

📍 The price gouging hotline is now active.

☎️ “Anyone who suspects price gouging can report it to the Florida Attorney General’s Office by using the No Scam app, visiting MyFloridaLegal.com or calling 1(866) 9NO-SCAM.

📲 No Scam app can be downloaded for free on Apple & Android devices.” No Scam App: myfloridalegal.com/__85256CC5006DFCC3.nsf/0/7B1C6F9E8D73227B8525855E006DD494?Open&Highlight=0,no,scam

ℹ️ Tips on reporting price gouging: http://myfloridalegal.com/…/Tips+for+Avoiding+Price…

🇺🇲🪖 Veterans Health Administration (VHA) – U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has emergency response teams ready to help impacted Veterans & their families.

🔹 ️Phone: 800-MyVA-411 (800-698-2411) Press 0

🔹 ️VA facility status: va.gov/find-locations

🔹️ Veterans Crisis Line — Dial 988 Press 1

🔹️ Benefits — 1-800-827-1000

🔹️ Homeless — 1-877-4AID-VET (1-877-424-3838)

🔹️ Vet Center — 1-877-927-8387


🔹️ FB: https://www.facebook.com/VeteransHealth

📍 Facebook Crisis Response — post a help request or view help offers 🔗m.facebook.com/crisisresponse

📍 Red Cross of Central Florida 🔗www.redcross.org/local/florida/central-florida.html

☎️ 813-348-4820

FB: https://www.facebook.com/RedCrossCentralFlorida

Twitter: twitter.com/RedCrossCFL

📍 Red Cross of Northwest Florida 🔗http://www.redcross.org/…/locations/northwest-florida.html

☎️ 850-432-7601

FB: https://www.facebook.com/RedCrossNorthFL Twitter: twitter.com/RedCrossNorthFL

📍 United Way of Central Florida 🔗uwcf.org

☎️ 863-648-1500

FB: https://www.facebook.com/unitedwayofcentralflorida

Twitter: twitter.com/uwcf

▪︎ Text your zip code to 898-211 for resources & information on shelters and where you can find sandbags, storm supplies, food, and other services.

📍 United Way of Northwest Florida 🔗www.unitedwaynwfl.org 850.785.7521

☎️ 850-785-7521

FB: https://www.facebook.com/UnitedWayNWFL

