
Mary Beth Poole


…broken down for clarity. ❤️

*Reposting for maximum exposure.

(the algorithm has us all struggling to find our audiences.)

*This is how these “simple” items make a huge impact in affected families lives. If you have the capacity to donate some of these items, please know how much they mean. Whether it’s $20 in supplies ordered, or $2000: YOU ARE MAKING A HUGE IMPACT. These items go beyond their original intended use: they give people hope, dignity, and a sense that the world DOES care about them. Without this reassurance, people are often forced into desperate circumstances. We have the power to change this.



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DEHUMIDIFIERS/DAMP-RID/MOLD REMOVER are essential for homes under gowing repair, mold mitigation, campers, and sheds. These are hugely needed across the region to keep shelters safe and mildew free.

INSULATED CAMPER DOOR COVERS help prevent heat loss through the door when it’s open as well as closed, to minimize fuel use and keep sleep comfortable.

GRASS SEED is requested by all hubs and locals. So much of the earth has been turned to mud fields – it’s going to take a LOT of grass seed to help mitigate future erosion and make land usable again for livestock.

PET FOOD is essential for families, so they aren’t spending their own very limited funds (and often, food stamps) to keep their pets healthy. This shouldn’t be a concern for people who are food-scarce themselves.

SHELF STABLE MILK allows families to maintain a regular diet while having limited, and sometimes no, refrigeration available.

ELECTRIC HEATERS/BLANKETS are literally life saving equipment these days. So many people are in heat-precarious living conditions, and being able to turn on a heated blanket at night is the difference between sleep and shivering to keep warm until the sun comes up.

VISA GIFT CARDS are used to make emergency purchases so families can get immediate assistance with things not readily available at supply hubs.

LAUNDRY DETERGENT/SOAP is hugely needed for people to clean their belongings. It’s a financial weight off their already burdened shoulders to not have to worry about buying cleaning supplies.

CASTILLE SOAP is a highly concentrated, gentle/sensitive, environmentally friendly soap that can be used from laundry to brushing your teeth. A great option for people with plumbing/water issues.

CANNED MEATS/FRUITS are desperately needed at all hubs/food pantries. People can’t eat tuna and applesauce forever – having canned chicken/beef, and some variety in fruit is a huge morale boost when you’ve been eating the same thing forever.

RAT TRAPS are needed at supply hubs and homes to keep goods safe.

GLUTEN FREE FOODS are totally necessary for people with specific diets and medical conditions, and are unfortunately often overlooked at food pantries. This is a large focus of mine.

NEWBORN SIZE DIAPERS are always needed: Babies are always being born, and newborns use TONS of diapers. New moms are stretched to their max, without adding a recent flood into the mix: this is one huge weight to take off their shoulders.

LIGHTERS/BATTERIES keep appliances like wood/camp stoves, flashlights/lanters and heaters functional.

MULTIVITAMINS to help maintain nutritional needs while dealing with irregular food consumption.

ELECTROLYTES are highly requested by hubs and locals, for the same reason as multivitamins.

THERMAL-WEAR/WOOL SOCKS keep the body/feet warm and dry, contributing to overall wellbeing. (No one is at the top of their functionality if dealing with cold and blistered feet, or dealing with chronic coldness.)

INSTANT COFFEE/CREAMER & CANDY BARS serve as a morale booster for people struggling with every day life. These are about feeding the SOUL.

RAZORS/SHAVING CREAM are highly requested items from locals and hubs, that always seem to go ten times faster than we can keep them around. Men and women alike use them to keep their appearance how they please, resulting in better confidence and hygiene.



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HOT TENTS serve as transitional housing that doesn’t require a permit, yet keeps people warm and safe from inclement weather. A much more substantial tent than a Coleman.

FIRE SAFETLY EQUIPMENT is provided with each hot tent and camper that’s delivered.

ELECTRIC BLANKETS/HEATERS are truly life saving equipment, these days. It’s the difference between standing, shivering as one waits for the sun to rise, or being able to lay down and sleep safely.

SOLAR POWER BANKS are a sustainable power source for people who can’t afford to run fuel in their generator all the time. It ensures they can keep their phones charged, and run an electric blanket for a while to stay warm.

HOT HANDS are needed more most people in these conditions, as they spend much more time walking due to their lack of car, or in homes that retain little heat.

-35 DEGREE TETON BAGS are life saving equipment for people with no heat on frigid nights.

HEAVY DUTY TARPS are needed to prevent flooding in housss that sustained damage, as well as fun underneath hot tents

HAND TOOLS are desperately needed at all hubs to continue with repair/rebuild.

COOKING EQUIPMENT is needed so people can prepare hot food for themselves, helping to return to normalcy.

EMERGENCY FOOD KITS are given to food scare families, so they have nutritional options they can eat when other food is unavailable.


*Picture of me wearing my new favorite sweatshirt. ❤️💪

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